Dialog is a means to transform social relations in the
classroom and to raise awareness about relations in society at large. In a
problem-posing participatory format, the teacher and students transform
learning into a collaborative process to illuminate and act on reality.
Dialogical method the best defined as the practice of informal cnversation between students and teachers in order to stimulate thinking an advance learning and understanding. After studying the dialogical method with Helena
Aarnio, I came to the conclusion that the teacher should not control the
process of dialogue, but only to guide students. Dialogical method is the topic of my devolopment work and project. I will think this method help in my teacher work.

Obviously, dialogue
- a special form of communication with the students, because the conversation
we can establish contact with the class, identify problems class, identify gaps
in knowledge.
What is
dialogical learning and knowledge creation?
•It means: dialogic attitude, symmetrical
participation, word-forword listening, awareness of one’s preconceptions and
assumptions and regulating the expression and withholding of them, opening
one’s incomplete thinking, letting ideas bud and flourish, forming unbiased
open questions, recognizing key hot words in one’s speech and opening them, it
means weaving synthesis and finding the missing pieces in thinking.
As a result using
dialogic method allows teachers to perform the following tasks:
1. Generate theoretical knowledge of students;
2. Develop:
- Verbal and logical thinking of students;
- Independent thinking children;
- We are studying;
- Educational interest of students;
- The will of the students;
- Their emotional sphere.
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