Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Miemalan koulu (primary school)

Riky Kokkola the geography and history teacher
The 5th grade students

Observation lesson ( 06.03.14) in Miemalan koulu (primary school)
The lesson was provided by the teacher of music, geography and history.
The lesson in the sixth-grade class in the Finnish language, the subject 'Rome'.
The lesson started on time with the sound of the bell.  First the teachers from Kazakhstan were introduced. With a brief instruction the students started working with maps from their textbooks.
Students started working with their tasks immediately as they got them.  They were allowed to leave the classroom into a hallway with a big clock (where students could rehearse their answers loud).  Several students did this way taking their turn. During the lesson students can move in the classroom: wash their hands, sharpen their pencils without asking a permission for that, which is not acceptable in our classrooms. They take notes with pencils only.
Each time the task is announced, students come to the blackboard and write down the words and other students repeat after them. The next task involves making notes in their booknotes.  The teacher distributed task cards and divided them into groups.
While rehearsing their acts students used different music instruments, scarves, etc. and were allowed to lie on the floor, sit on desks or on the floor.
After each presentation students provided their feedback, quite confidently, and each time initiated themselves.
During the lesson the teacher never raised his voice, did not make any comments although it was noisy in the classroom.
The impression was that students like both the teacher and history lessons.
The teacher was managing the process by switching students from one activity to another and using the interactive board quite frequently.
During class intervals students turn on music instruments and sing.
They have lunch in their lunch room: water, soft drinks, main course with a salad, milk and kefir are always provided.  The six-grade students help staff in the lunch room: to clean dishes from tables, clean tables, etc.
During class intervals students can go outside, play games and do so in any weather. One of the teachers should be outside watching students.
The lesson was an atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation.

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