Thursday, 12 June 2014

Learning innovations


     Wherever  we went everywhere in schools, colleges and universities in Finland amazing atmosphere of unity, inspiration and creativity . First of all this is the highest level of professionalism of the teacher and  high level  of respect in the society to the teacher's personality and his/her  work. The second component is formed in the power structures, the culture of trust in the skill of the education system. It is expressed in the autonomy of schools, the extent of which is determined by the municipalities. In Finnish schools is based on trust: Director - to teachers, teachers - children; parents to the principal and teachers (T). Consequently,  Finnish schooling is considered one of the best in the world. According to the annual test, PISA, Finland is one of the leading places in the world.

I am inclined to believe that teachers in any kinds of subjects are able to work dialogically in general interaction. The dialogue is needed in exact subjects in aim to understand more complicated issues, in problem solving and especially how to apply the knowledge, and in creating a new knowledge.

            Learning innovation” was called our regularly pedagogical learning week. Every teacher knows that technologies applied in teaching. ICT supports skills such as critical thinking, creativity, innovatively, working together and etc. In recent year, Finland  has increased significantly  using  ICT technologies in Education. During the my pedagogical internship, by participating in different kind of workshop and lecture devoted  for the e-learning, I have familirized and improved theoretical knowledge about eLearning components and ICT skills.

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