Thursday, 12 June 2014

Study guidance and counselling by Päivi Pukkila, M.Ed., Senior Lecturer & Taina Poutanen, Senior Lecturer


One of the most important features between Finnish and Kazakhstan School is a counselling in School. The main thing about "study counselling" are giving time, attention and respect. It means counsellor should pay attention for student. I understood, that counselling are not giving answers and it is not a therapy. 
-         What scientific skills did you obtain? (scientific terminology, research skills) 
-         Usually counselor use the following intervention Styles:
-         Listening (ask about feelings);
-         Catalytic questions;
-         Open questions;
-         Career counseling;
-         Individual Development Plan (for each student) and etc.
Students has to give decision in themselves;

-         In our Education system we have counseling. I think we should implement  counseling system. Because, learners needs more support and one of the solution is the counseling system.

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