Thursday, 12 June 2014

Observation lesson (13.03.14) in Miemalan koulu (primary school)

Observation lesson (13.03.14) in Miemalan koulu (primary school)
            The lesson was provided by the teacher of music, geography and history Riky Kokkola.
The geography lesson in the six-grade class in the Finnish language.  The subject is "The Countries of  Europe".
At the beginning of the lesson Aitzhan Kazhkenova and Gylden Kairalieva, geography teachers from Kazakhstan, made two presentations in the English language called "Kazakhstan on the World Map" and "Customs and Traditions of the Kazakh Nation" and also showed a video called "The National Games of Kazakhstan".The students expressed interest to the information provided, asked questions and quite often asked their teacher to translate from Finnish into English.  A majority of students speak English but still have some difficulties with the foreign language.The students volunteered to model our national constumes and enjoyed it.The students showed interest to the national game 'Asyk' and were excited playing it.

Riky as their teacher provided his feedback and noted that it was important to have us as the representatives of Kazakhstan to talk about the ethnic culture.
This was more valuable than information provided in Internet.
The geography lesson started with solving the conflict of the previous day related to unacceptable insult due to ethnic background.  It was a positive atmosphere in the class. All speakers were applauded. It took about 20 min to resolve the stressful atmosphere in the class.
As for geography subject, students had practical tasks including information search in Internet. All students worked independently and were focused on their tasks. The teacher interchanged different types of activity and professionally managed the teaching process.

It was a very interesting lesson.

Learning innovations


     Wherever  we went everywhere in schools, colleges and universities in Finland amazing atmosphere of unity, inspiration and creativity . First of all this is the highest level of professionalism of the teacher and  high level  of respect in the society to the teacher's personality and his/her  work. The second component is formed in the power structures, the culture of trust in the skill of the education system. It is expressed in the autonomy of schools, the extent of which is determined by the municipalities. In Finnish schools is based on trust: Director - to teachers, teachers - children; parents to the principal and teachers (T). Consequently,  Finnish schooling is considered one of the best in the world. According to the annual test, PISA, Finland is one of the leading places in the world.

I am inclined to believe that teachers in any kinds of subjects are able to work dialogically in general interaction. The dialogue is needed in exact subjects in aim to understand more complicated issues, in problem solving and especially how to apply the knowledge, and in creating a new knowledge.

            Learning innovation” was called our regularly pedagogical learning week. Every teacher knows that technologies applied in teaching. ICT supports skills such as critical thinking, creativity, innovatively, working together and etc. In recent year, Finland  has increased significantly  using  ICT technologies in Education. During the my pedagogical internship, by participating in different kind of workshop and lecture devoted  for the e-learning, I have familirized and improved theoretical knowledge about eLearning components and ICT skills.

Entrepreneurship education, Heikki Hannula, M.A., Senior Lecturer

                    Entrepreneurship contributes to developing a person to turn their ideas into action.    It includes creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. Training took place in the form of group work, role and situational games.           We viewed different forms of creating entrepreneurship, management and ownership of small business, individual, self-oriented entrepreneurship, corporate or organizational entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education.

Special needs education by Simo Uusinoka, M.Ed., Senior Lecturer & Irmeli Lignell, Senior Lecturer

For all children in Finland education is compulsory. If the student needs more help than can give the nearest school, the teacher will help the family find a school that meets the needs of the student. In these schools pupils have various tools, and for their teachers and parents together constitute individual curriculum. Children with disabilities are engaged in special institutions, centers and school where teachers strive to prepare these children, as far as possible - to a normal life in society.
We were particularly impressed and delighted by its tolerance and professional attitude towards the students going to Kiipula Vocational and rehabilitation  College for students  and adolescents with physical and mental disabilities.

One advantage is  in addition to teachers, children work for speech therapists, doctors, nurses, therapists, special educators . Apart from this developed for each student individual curriculum where designated three most important goals of child development: a practical, simple, but specific to the child. Classrooms equipped with the necessary training for special equipment (computer, printer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard - in each class).

Study guidance and counselling by Päivi Pukkila, M.Ed., Senior Lecturer & Taina Poutanen, Senior Lecturer


One of the most important features between Finnish and Kazakhstan School is a counselling in School. The main thing about "study counselling" are giving time, attention and respect. It means counsellor should pay attention for student. I understood, that counselling are not giving answers and it is not a therapy. 
-         What scientific skills did you obtain? (scientific terminology, research skills) 
-         Usually counselor use the following intervention Styles:
-         Listening (ask about feelings);
-         Catalytic questions;
-         Open questions;
-         Career counseling;
-         Individual Development Plan (for each student) and etc.
Students has to give decision in themselves;

-         In our Education system we have counseling. I think we should implement  counseling system. Because, learners needs more support and one of the solution is the counseling system.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Teacher's competence in assessment by Irma Kunnary

14.04-18.04 Aprill. The topic is "Teacher's competence in assessment - assessment for  learning of competence "
Assessment is one types in education. Assessment is a important.


02.06.14.  Veikko Visala illustrated us presentation: Mikrolinna and the development of e-learning materials. And he presented  how create own lessons with program Math King in kazakh language.
03.06.14. PhD Simo Veistola show us presentation: e-Oppi Oy and the development of e-learning materials. E-Oppi- pubishes:
- e- study material for
1.      elementary schools
2.      -secondary schools
-          Lower
-          Upper
3.      Applied universities

E-books with videos, quizzes and pictures.  https://peda/ net/register

International mobility in Finnish vocational and higher education

       22.05.14. We visited Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation. They show us presentation about Centre. It’s a lot of information about their work: International mobility in Finnish vocational and higher education. International mobility refers to study or work by students or staff of educational institution. CIMO working under the Ministry of Education. 
        CIMO administers and implements various exchange, practical training and scholarship programmes. The CIMO  study, analysis and evauation team produces information and knowledge to help in the planning and development of international cooperation.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

26-30.05.14 Jari Aho, Senior Lecturer, JAMK University of Applied Sciences

Creative learning
Creative learning  to the process of learning using on imanginative approach, it's make learning more intresting and  effective. C.L. can be use from kindergaden etcetara. How to use creativity in the classroom? creative students look at thigns in new ways from a different perpective. As we say THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX. In addition, they created something valuable.

Friday, 18 April 2014

The Geography lesson (Geo 1) in Kauriala high school. The teacher is Jusse Mestari.

    We (17.04.2014) were on a geography lesson. Students  studied "Atmosphere". Teacher in the classroom used the interactive whiteboard, projector. Teacher's explanation was accompanying drawings.

The role of assessment in student-centred and competence-based education studied (14-16.04.2014) with Irma Kunnari

This picture was created by  Gulim Ayesheva.

Friday, 11 April 2014


         To use QR codes conveniently you must have a smartphone equipped with a camera and a QR code reader/scanner application feature.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

SkillLs Competition (Lahti)

Vocational education and training impart qualification for certain professions.
Key success factors:

Interactive technology in Education Conference (Aulanko)

Interactive Technology in Education (ITE) -conference is the largest conference in Finland related to information and communication technology in educational use. The conference started in 1990 and it will be carried out next spring for the 25th time. Conference is organized at Spa Hotel Aulanko in Hämeenlinna.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Instructions for the development work and project

  • Devoloping qualitative reseach questions for our project
  • Quality criteria ref.Patton M.C.

Geography & IST = Integration

Microsoft Excel is the standard for spreadsheet creation and data manipulation.
The   Excel are designed to help create formulas in Excel and understand the software at all levels. Help to learn to create a spreadsheet, use functions and formulas, create a pivot table, and much more.
(Drawing population pyramids)
This spreadsheet explains the process of constructing beautiful population pyramids!
(Creating a Climograph in Excel)
Excel can be a bit intimidating for novices, but confidence in the use of spreadsheets is really important for my students.
These lessons may also be used with PRB's online DataFinder, a searchable database that includes all the data from the most recent World Population Data Sheet. Data can be displayed as a map, chart, or table, and downloaded into Excel.
Google Earth can help us bring a world of information alive for our students. Google Earth are a fun and visual way to help students understand geography concepts, map reading, location, and distance measurement. Students can use Google Earth to explore topics like the progress of human civilization, the growth of cities, the impact of civilization on the natural environment, and the impact of natural disasters.
Last year I used  Google Map  demos to get my  students been  excited about geography beyond the static map and   i used  different Google Map layers to study transportation, demographics, economics, and in specific local or exotic contexts.

The activities with apps help us deliver outstanding lessons to our students. These apps will help the students to learn our subjects easy and creatively .

Monday, 31 March 2014

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) (Lesson with Jouni Enqvist)

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

How to use computers, Internet and 

information technology effectively and 
rationally in mathematics and science 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Educational technology (the lesson conducted by Sanna)

  • Google docs
  • Google sites
  • iPad apps

  • The goal of Google Site is for anyone to be able to create a term site, where people can collaborate and share files.

Lecture with Helena Aarnio

       Dialog is a means to transform social relations in the classroom and to raise awareness about relations in society at large. In a problem-posing participatory format, the teacher and students transform learning into a collaborative process to illuminate and act on reality.
       Dialogical method the best defined as the practice of informal cnversation between students and teachers in order to stimulate thinking an advance learning and understanding. After studying the dialogical method with Helena Aarnio, I came to the conclusion that the teacher should not control the process of dialogue, but only to guide students. Dialogical method is the topic of my devolopment work and project. I will think this method help  in my teacher work.

Obviously, dialogue - a special form of communication with the students, because the conversation we can establish contact with the class, identify problems class, identify gaps in knowledge.
What is dialogical learning and knowledge creation?
•It means: dialogic attitude, symmetrical participation, word-forword listening, awareness of one’s preconceptions and assumptions and regulating the expression and withholding of them, opening one’s incomplete thinking, letting ideas bud and flourish, forming unbiased open questions, recognizing key hot words in one’s speech and opening them, it means weaving synthesis and finding the missing pieces in thinking.
As a result using dialogic method allows teachers to perform the following tasks:
1. Generate theoretical knowledge of students;
2. Develop:
- Verbal and logical thinking of students;
- Independent thinking children;
- We are studying;
- Educational interest of students;
- The will of the students;

- Their emotional sphere.

Math at Kauriala high school by Sacari Salonen

We combine the interests of students, hockey, ballet, and all students are interested in (Sakari Salonen).
Project: Hungary-project, Classical geometry in classical ballet-project.

Miemalan koulu (primary school)

Riky Kokkola the geography and history teacher
The 5th grade students

Observation lesson ( 06.03.14) in Miemalan koulu (primary school)
The lesson was provided by the teacher of music, geography and history.
The lesson in the sixth-grade class in the Finnish language, the subject 'Rome'.
The lesson started on time with the sound of the bell.  First the teachers from Kazakhstan were introduced. With a brief instruction the students started working with maps from their textbooks.
Students started working with their tasks immediately as they got them.  They were allowed to leave the classroom into a hallway with a big clock (where students could rehearse their answers loud).  Several students did this way taking their turn. During the lesson students can move in the classroom: wash their hands, sharpen their pencils without asking a permission for that, which is not acceptable in our classrooms. They take notes with pencils only.
Each time the task is announced, students come to the blackboard and write down the words and other students repeat after them. The next task involves making notes in their booknotes.  The teacher distributed task cards and divided them into groups.
While rehearsing their acts students used different music instruments, scarves, etc. and were allowed to lie on the floor, sit on desks or on the floor.
After each presentation students provided their feedback, quite confidently, and each time initiated themselves.
During the lesson the teacher never raised his voice, did not make any comments although it was noisy in the classroom.
The impression was that students like both the teacher and history lessons.
The teacher was managing the process by switching students from one activity to another and using the interactive board quite frequently.
During class intervals students turn on music instruments and sing.
They have lunch in their lunch room: water, soft drinks, main course with a salad, milk and kefir are always provided.  The six-grade students help staff in the lunch room: to clean dishes from tables, clean tables, etc.
During class intervals students can go outside, play games and do so in any weather. One of the teachers should be outside watching students.
The lesson was an atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Tuomo Iltanen, Principal from Kauriala High School

  • High school management
  • National strategies (National board of education)
  • Curriculum development